Making things better - for myself

30 days of self compassion 


Your own FREE personal development programme 

Receive a self compassion practice in your inbox every day for 30 days and experience how practising self compassion makes things better - even in these tough times.

You know it's not selfish but...

Do you still feel selfish if you put your needs first?

Do you live your life putting other people's needs first?

Does your to-do list even get priority over your needs?

This programme gives you practical ways to experience how self compassion is pivotal to your wellbeing, how it makes a huge difference to your effectiveness and how applying self compassion in your life really benefits others around you too.

No need to be so hard on yourself

Many of us confuse self-care and self-compassion. How would you explain them?

Many people would say self compassion is about being kind to yourself but go on to say how they beat themselves up if they get something wrong. They don't really know what self compassion means in practice and don't realise how unkind they are to themselves.

This programme shows you the core elements of self compassion and how to make them part of your everyday living.

Developing your inner resource

If you would like to make things better for yourself by:

keeping calm – especially when stressed

worrying less

not judging yourself

prioritising what keeps you well

comparing yourself kindly with others

liking yourself more

letting things go not bottling things up

You can start right now by following the link to the programme below.

Start now

Click the blue button to get started for free - no tricks, no catches.

These are challenging times and we all need kindness and self compassion to get by. Here's a chance for you to learn how to apply self compassion to your everyday living. You'll receive a self compassion practice each day in your Inbox for the next 30 days.

If you can afford to pay for this programme, please would you donate to the charity YoungMinds via the link below. As a guide, this programme would sell in the commercial world for £25 per person but any donation you make will go to support the  mental health of young people.

Thank you

Making things better - for myself